Rebranding | AIA Philippines


General Information

AIA is our Hong Kong-based parent company and is the largest independent publicly listed pan-Asian life insurance group – with presence in 18 markets across the Asia-Pacific region.​

They have been present in the Philippines since 2009 upon the formalization of the acquisition of AIA Philam Life from former parent company AIG.

The north star for our brand has always been to be AIA since the acquisition. We have made strides towards closer association, from changing our brand color from blue to red, to incorporating the line “An AIA Group Company” in our logo, to formally changing our name to “AIA Philam Life” in 2019. This 2021, we are fully embracing the name of our mother company.

AIA Philippines and Philam Life are one and the same. Aside from changing the name, nothing else will happen. We will honor all existing in-force or active contracts, and we will remain a committed partner to all stakeholders and customers.

We will be changing our legal name from “The Philippine American Life and General Insurance Company” to “AIA Philippines Life and General Insurance Company, Inc.” Our brand or trade name will also change from “AIA Philam Life” to “AIA Philippines.”

No. AIA Group acquired Philam Life back in 2009 and continues to be the mother company today.​

No. AIA Philippines will maintain its current management.​

No. AIA Philippines is very stable, consistently leading in key metrics such as net income and assets. The sale of our properties is part of our strategic initiative to 1) sell assets that are no longer in central locations or are now considered as low-value assets, and 2) acquire high value-properties in prime areas particularly in central business districts. ​

Customer Touchpoints

Yes. Our new website address will be Using the old website address will automatically redirect you to the new one.

Yes. Our social media pages’ names are as follows:​

Facebook -
Instagram - @aiaphilippines
Twitter - @aia_philippines
LinkedIn -

Yes. The new customer care email will be All emails sent to will automatically be redirected to the new email address.

Yes. SMS communications from AIA Philippines will bear the sender name “AIA PH.”​

We are still in a transition phase of updating all our communication materials including our servicing emails and SMS. We apologize if this has caused any confusion. Rest assured, we are working towards standardizing our brand name across all our communication materials.​​

No. While we are a global company, your records remain with the Philippine-registered company, AIA Philippines, regulated locally by the Insurance Commission. But don’t fret! You wouldn’t have to visit branches to file claims. You may file claims online, 24/7, without leaving the comfort of your home. Simply click the “Claims & Support” tab at​

Policy-related Queries

Yes, all documents will reflect the new legal and trade names as well as our new logo.​

No. AIA Philippines will honor all active or in-force contracts issued under Philam Life. Your benefits will remain as they are, governed by the Terms & Conditions you agreed on upon signing.​

Our fund names will remain the same to avoid confusion in your investments.

Our application for name change for our receipts is still being processed by BIR, but rest assured that your receipts are legitimate, valid, and legal proofs of payment for your premiums.​

While we have legally changed our name, we are still in a transition period. While our internal systems are being updated, application forms may continue bearing the name Philam Life. Rest assured that these application forms are valid and legitimate.​

The transition of our brand names on our properties will be phased to comply with logistics restrictions brought about by the pandemic.​

While our digital selling capability has allowed us to serve Filipinos abroad, the signing of the contract still needs to happen in the Philippines. The regulation on the sale of insurance in the Philippines is limited within Philippine jurisdiction – it is a regulatory requirement followed by all insurance companies in the Philippines, even those with global counterparts.​

There is no need to re-enroll as our partner banks will automatically update the name of the company in your enrolled billers list.​​

Check payments should be addressed to either:​

​AIA Philippines​, or​ AIA Philippines Life and General Insurance Company​, Inc.​

Please note that checks using our former name (AIA Philam Life) will be accepted until October 8, 2021 only.

Yes. The biller name you will need to look out for will be:​

​AIA Philippines​

​But this will happen in phases. While we have already started coordinating the name change with our payment partners, the system changes from their end may not necessarily be in effect right away. We will keep you posted once there is a change in name on the platforms. In the meantime, you may still search for AIA Philam Life when paying.​

Your Philam Vitality membership will not be affected. The program name will simply be changed to AIA Vitality.​​